Heard of it? It's something I have been falling in love with for about the past 6 months or so. I've noticed that a lot of other people are now becoming aware of it and are finding out just what is so awesomely fabulous about this website. If you are into artsy crafty things, or learning new creative ideas on decorating, organizing, or cleaning- this site is for you! Losing interest in your same ol' weekly meals? Looking for new recipes? Healthy, gluten-free, crockpotting, vegetarian, or any type of meal you're looking for- you can find on pinterest. I must warn you though, it's highly addicting!!!! Be prepared to spend countless hours looking, searching, and "pinning" away. So now that I've got your attention and you're intrigued, and you haven't already signed up for pinterest- GO NOW! It does require an invite- let me know if you need one! I promise you won't be disappointed. :)
So with all that said, that is one of my inspirations to "resurrect the blog" and put my all into this time! We shall see...